After thinking about it, I have been gone about 6 months, not a year, leave it to me the drama queen to blow it out of proportion.
So what happened? Well, one day, after yet another fight with my newly pregnent wife of 11 years, I cracked. I packed up what I could, deleted my blog and closed down all of my emails, tried to wipe away all that I had been, and walked out the door of my family's home with no intention of returning.
As some of you know, I have two daughters with a third child on the way (due in early May), but none of that was enough for me...at the time.
I have been fighting with my wife for over a decade. I was unhappy, depressed and just couldn't do it anymore. It was never going to work and never going to change.
My problem was my children. I am the child of a man who has been married 8 times and a woman who chose a younger man and an addiction over me. I know how it feels to be a kid who feels abandoned, and I couldn't stay away from my kids.
I am back. I am back here and at home. I am going to try and start over now, you're all invited to read along as I fail miserably. It should make for good reading.
I can't believe that you actually left?! ~sigh~ All I can say: anyone reading this with kids gets it. You know that.
A real friend is going through the same thing, and just let him move back in "for the kids". I don't know. IS there a perfect solution...
buy the house next door. that's the real solution.
i applaud you for trying - i know you love your little girls. good luck.
Oh man....it must have gotten REALLY bad for you to leave b/c I know how much you love your children....
Good luck with this, Toast. I know it won't be easy, but at least you'll know you tried.
Good luck, Toast. I've got a friend struggling with this too.
See ya...
i was all giddy and excited and shuddering with anticipation... and that's it.
You fucking tease.
I was about to say the same thing.
So whats next? can you draw us some hot lesbos going at it?
i put on clean underwear for this?
Baby due in "Early May" is like now. Perhaps it's pressie time...
naw, he started this in early april - a month away... and you'd think he would tell us the baby came... but perhaps not.
toasty honey? you there?
true. true.
Yeah Toast.. We are all waiting on the news..
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