My wife in convinced I create turmoil in my life, whenever there is not any already going on. She believes I need it. I grew up with it and I don't know how to just be happy with the way things are, I need the drama. I need my job to suck, I need my marriage to be falling apart, I need to stress out, I need to randomly get in fist fights, I need to re-associate myself with old friends who I KNOW have probelms, I need to get too drunk and make poor life choices with the occassional completely willing young woman. I need this. I need this???? Really?
My dad is criminal who goes years without speaking to me. When he speaks, he ruins my life or borrows money.
My mom is an ex-junkie married to an alcoholic who hated me most of my life but now needs my help and my money but won't leave the husband.
My grandma is dead and her estate is in shambles.
My mom's 58 year old brother dropped dead out of the clear blue sky for no reason a week ago.
The economy is in the shitter and I'm a small business owner.
I think I"ve fucked my wife twice this summer.
I so don't need this.
Hey -- glad you're back. Sorry about your grandma and all of the other shit.
Your wife mught be right. If you are used to drama and turmoil, then drama and turmoil become your comfort zone.
At least it didn't cost you a shitload in therapy to figure it out like it did me?!
THAT'S impressive.
Sounds like MORE BOOZE is in order !
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