My newborn needs a hip brace on for the next 8 weeks that basically covers her entire body and makes it feel like you're cuddling with a giant Velcro sack that cries. I feel bad for her, she needs this brace to help her hips which are apparently loose.
I may have someone who wants to buy my house for what I would consider "fair market value"...which isn't really for sale...but in today's market in Michigan, if you have a buyer, you mine as well take advantage of the fact that you can purchase a property at about 75% of its value from a year ago and upgrade into a nicer place, which we may expectantly do.
I may be getting a visit from the girl who gave me my first blow job who I haven't seen since high school ended. She found me through mutual old friends and www.MySpace.com and is comiong back into town from where she lives now to hang out with her family for the weekend, and she's supposed to call me so we can see each other. This could be eventful. :) I'll keep you posted.
I need to go home and practice some sweet moves now.
Sorry about the hip thing. When I was a kid I had to wear Forrest gump braces.
My youngest daughter was airlifted after a week old to have bowl surgery because her intestines didn't develop right.
Count your blessings and go to the beach as much as you can dude.
um sorry about the hip brace - but congrats on the baby!! slap a skater sticker and a sharpie drawn mr. yuck face on that brace from me =)
Hi Toast. I didn't know you were here! I am so sorry about the baby's hip. Godspeed to her.
I wish that I could buy right now without the BS of selling in a Buyer's market!! I say, go for it!
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