2. My mom's husband of 15 years has fallen off of the wagon, is once again a RAGING drunk and is moving out of their house into his parents house (he's 46 years old mind you). My mom and 12-year old sister will be left to fend for themselves. My mom hasn't worked in 13 years.
3. The check my brother wrote me for rent bounced...hence all of the checks I wrote for the bills to his building bounced too. Joy.
4. Still haven't had sex with my wife since the baby was born...5 months ago...
Life is really kicking the shit out of me lately. Thank goodness for my kids.
Your family sounds like a prime target for guests on the Dr. Phil show.
Hang in there...
life IS kicking the shit out of you dude.
I use The Boog (my son) as my reason for not checking out pretty regularly.
In my situation all problems are brought on by yours truly though...
I'm the one that takes off with no word.
I'm the drunk.
I'm the check bouncer.
fucking pathetic.
halloween party this year?
At least you can look at titties on the Internet.
Hang in there, dood.
When you stop struggling through life, the terrorists win.
According to the calendar, it's time for another post.
What do they say, what doesn't kill you will make you stronger. You appear to be the Hulk!
Dude if you would like I will buy you one of those "Fleshlights".
Are you dead?
5 months is a crime. At least you're enjoying your kids. Thanks for the entertaining blog.
Cheer up. I"ve had sex with your wife many times. Where do you think that fucking baby came from??
Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the OLED, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://oled-brasil.blogspot.com. A hug.
Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-) Me Chinese me play joke, me put peepee in your coke.
Hi toast.
It's all part of Toast's Master Plan. You have to have BLIND faith in Toast. Fuck. So glad I am single & hundreds or thousands of miles away from family members. I need a beer just from reading this. Good luck.
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