Wednesday, June 27, 2007

I love the show Dirty Jobs, with Mike Rowe, and I know that my fellow blogger Erin O'Brien also loves that show...but mostly for the Mike Rowe part. So I recently discovered that before Dirty Jobs, Mike was a salesman on the QVC...very odd...Erin these are for you;


Molly said...

leave it to Toast to ruin Mike for me!

mmmmm, How to get off now?

Jesus Toast said...

Me! Me! Let me help!

Nobody said...

Adam fucking LOVES that show. Personally, I find it quite heinous. It was one where the guy had a job scooping road kill that did it for me. Nice.

Look at all these posts?! I'm so proud! *wiping tear*

Erin O'Brien said...

Thank you Jesus. My lust for Rowe just skyrocketed.