I just decided right now that I am going to try and begin a suite of paintings depicting our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ doing normal, everyday things so as to better illustrate that he was not just the omnipotent alpha and omega that sits at the right fucking hand of god in judgement of all of humanity, but that he was also just an ordinary, dirty, stinky fucking man, just you like you stinky fuckers. I think this shows his humilty as well as mine.
Jesus said, "Whoever finds the world and becomes rich, let him renounce the world".
I have no fucking clue what thats means, but I'm sure he's indirectly referring to QVC, that's why this first sketch (which will ultimately be turned into a painting, so hold your horses) is entitled, "Jesus Uses the Remote Control in the Kitchen to Change the Channel From The Home Shopping Network to QVC" PLease bear in mind that I just drew this with a golf pencil I found in the junk drawer in the kitchen in under 5 minutes. Call it a revelation. Think of how great it willl look in full oil painted fucking color. Hail satan.

Jesus needs to trim his fingernails...
Draw one of Jesus and Mohammad in a gay sixty-nine. That should get some attention.
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