Holy fucking shit I don't know how to spell or pronounce Michelle Trachtenbrurgersonalski's name but anyone out there looks even remotely like her I'd like to pay you for sex. Is that solicitation? I don't think it is, because that would be illegal, and I don't do illegal things. So again, send all fo your, "I sort of look like Michelle Trachtenburgessmerideth" photos to
toast@youmustchoose.com and you could earn some money towards college tuition or your coke addiction or whatever (again, so NOT solictitation, I'm just a jokester [seriously though, send the pics]).
I love Michelle Trachtorpullenschlager, she was a character on Buffy you know. So, obviously she holds a special place in my heart.
Did you see that movie you are referencing in the photos? It was pretty funny for a teen sex comedy. She's built like a brick shithouse.
I have a feeling you might not get any replies from Michelle T look-a-likes but I'd agree it's worth a shot.
Eva Green from the recent Bond flick does it for me. She's awesome in The Dreamers (and totally nude).
Yeah, she's a sweety.
I have a friend who's sort of a cross between Sara McGlaughlin (sp?) and Elisha Cuthbert. It's fun having one remind you of the other.
She was also Harriet in "Harriet the Spy".
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