Saturday, July 14, 2007

I hope everyone is having a good weekend.


JBoombostick said...

I just got laid.

Jesus Toast said...

Me too. Wait. NO I didn't. Fuck.

JBoombostick said...

Get some rum and some of those penthouse forums books. The ones with the dirty stories.

Chicks love them.

Hail Satan.

jungle jane said...

I just got a blowjob.

No. Wait. I don't have a knob. fuck.

Jesus Toast said...

Jane - The next time I am in London (which would be the first time) I will so totally blow you; and it woudln't be considered a one night stand because we'd get married and divorced right afterwards.

La Sirena said...

I started dating a guy who I think must secretly get off on not having sex.

If he doesn't put out soon he is so dumped.