Last night was no different; we got there around 9 PM and had been playing pool for about an hour and a half, when somehow we got on the topic of where two roads intersected (Telegraph and Dix/Toledo Rd....for those of you who might know the area). These roads were in a part of the state we call, "down river", and not at all close to where we live or play pool. Eventually the friendly discussion turned into a bet, which turned into an unplanned, middle of the night road trip to the Michigan / Ohio border using only surface streets, no freeways, because we were looking for two roads to intersect (I was actually looking for them NOT to intersect), so we had to drive the entire course of one road until it ended...which happened to be at the Ohio border, about 2 hours later. I won. They didn't cross. Or at least I thought I won until I looked at a map this morning (we didn't have a map on us last night, hence the road trip). THe roads don't intersect, they merge; the road we were on absorbs the road my friend thought intersected the road we were on and since we were driving south, and the other road came down from the north east to merge with the road we were on and there was no signal at the merge, we missed the merge all together. So now I don't know if I won. I mean, the roads DID meet, just not at an intersection...and they really actually merged, not crossed...so I don't know...man am I tired...
Was the redhead there this week?
If so, how was that?
Nope, no redhead. Thank god.
What's with the Cosmo quiz?
I totally would have done the Intersection Road Trip in the middle of the night, too -- except I, I would take the road less traveled by. ;~)
You all need to click on the "Cosmo quiz", so it enlarges and then read it...it's NOT a Cosmo Quiz, it is fucking hilarious though.
If you got the money, you won. If not, it's a draw. It's at least a draw.
love the cosmo quiz honey... you even get a personal mention in question 9
You won. They merged, not intersected.
Jesus Toastie. Just move to England dude. Shit like that just doesn't happen here. Our roads might be narrow but at least they are joined by traffic circles and not intersections.
Christ almighty, I'm exhausted.
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