I graduated high school 18 years ago. Who gives a fuck? Not very many people apparently, especially not anyone from my “graduating class”. Just to bring everyone up to date very quickly, even though I have explained it before in my old blog, I went to grade school, junior high school and MOST of high school with the same group of people but over Christmas break in 11th grade I was transferred to a new school in a new city in order to avoid prosecution (I shit you not). What this means is that I graduated with a bunch of people from the suburbs that I didn’t know, and do not attend their high school reunions or associate myself with that school. Whenever my original high school has a reunion though, I apparently attend it, but that opportunity doesn’t present itself that often.
Take for instance, this year. As I stated, I graduated 18-years ago, which normally wouldn’t be a reunion type of year, but we didn’t have a 15-year reunion, and apparently the prospects of a 20-year reunion didn’t look too hot either so an alternative event has been planned; A “group” reunion. This class reunion will be for anyone who graduated from said school in the 1980’s. Apparently there was so little interested in having ANY reunion from any graduating class from this high school, the safest best was to cast a VERY wide net and see who they could snag.
The only reason I attend any of these events is because my close friend Bob, who I have been friends with since we were 12, loves these events, and I go with him. I don’t ever actually get invited, since I am not technically a graduate. I admit it’s interesting to see how everyone turned out, but the novelty wears out quickly. In a lot of instances it’s a time to either show off or reignite old grudges; always very classy.
So this September, Bob is coming in from
I've never been to any of my reunions but I do wonder about some of the hotties I had a crush on in high school but due to my shyness really never culminated in anything. I bet I could bang those MILFS now and make up for lost time.
Hmmm..wonder when my next reunion is.
The lady in your photo should really eat something at the All 80s Reunion Buffet.
I just don't go to class reunions, because the whole thing strikes me as way too strange and strained.
At our 10-year reunion, people actually danced. I asked the hottest girl in my class to dance and she said she wasn't comfortable with that since I was married.
I told her, "It's OK. She's in the bathroom."
Monk - At my 10 year reunion a handful of girls who were hot in high school but wouldn't give me the time of day back then, decided I was plenty good enough to sit and chat with, hang on, get drunk with at the after-party and be a little more than flirty with now that we were all adults. When I questioned them about what bitches they were in high school, they acted as if I was remembering wrong.... :)
Las Sirena - I'm not sure its a buffet, but I will make that suggestion...
Ajooja - I'm going to stick with "Its ok, she's dead now".
"in 11th grade I was transferred to a new school in a new city in order to avoid prosecution (I shit you not).
Was Richard Kimble your dad, or something?
NO. MY dad had an inside source with the cops who had a narc in my school, and who busted my two friends for dealing acid, who got caught in the act of "dealing" the first week back from christmas break. Had I not been transferred, I would have been there with them, and also arrested. Both of them were convicted and served time; neither of them graduated. I never spoke to them again.
I didn't get invited to any of my hs reunions. I don't think they know where I am, and I likes it that way.
Sounds like good times and big smiles...not.
I don't attend class reunions, though interestingly enough, this years marks my 20th reunion and I've yet to hear word if we're having one or not. Maybe they finally wised up and stopped inviting me, that would be cool. I was sort of the bitch/outcast, even though I dated the fucking captain of the football team all 4 years, I was a "fringe friend". The cool kids only hung out with me because of my boyfriend. You know I haven't spoken to anyone from my class since the day I graduated. Can't say I miss or even think about those losers.
my 10 year will be next year... i'm guessing i won't go.
this means my husbands 20 year will be next year...
you guys are old =)
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